Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

A Prayer to Preserve Life

Psalm 143:11-12 For your name’s sake, LORD, preserve my life; in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble. In your unfailing love, silence my enemies; destroy all my foes, for I am your servant.

If you are a parent whose son or daughter is in the military, you likely pray something akin to Psalm 143:11-12 frequently. And your heart and head are likely very present with thoughts and concerns for the safety of your son or daughter. But friends, all our sons and daughters are in a battle, whether they serve in the military or not. It’s just that we’re not all as aware as we ought to be of the dangers and enemies they face. Our sons and daughters live in a war zone- the Earth, the territory of the Prince of Darkness. They are surrounded by spiritual enemies 24/7.  We don’t ‘see’ it so we often don’t pray as if our families are under attack.  But we need to. We need to pray as if the battle is raging, because it is. 

Have you watched the news lately?  Are you seeing things ‘ramp up’ and become more serious, more frequent….more crazy?  Satan knows his time is short.  He will do all he can to subvert, derail, distract and destroy believers. We are his target and he will show no mercy. He will attack and deceive. Can we all agree that strong prayer for spiritual protection and Divine intervention is the weapon we need to use daily?

Yes, of course we worry about the safety and well-being of our sons and daughters, but friends, we need to be very cognizant of their spiritual  health and safety too.  Today, let’s pray Psalm 143:11-12.  While we pray, let’s lift those who serve in the military.  Let’s pray for their safety and their spiritual walk.  Let’s pray for the Momma and Daddy hearts that love them and long for their safety.  Then, let’s pray for the spiritual health and safety of our sons and daughters.  

“For your name’s sake, Lord, preserve (name)’s life.  In your righteousness, bring them out of trouble.  Keep them surrounded with your guarding, protecting angels and keep watch over every step.  In your unfailing love, silence the enemy.  Keep Satan from impacting (name)’s life today.  Guard their heart and mind in Christ Jesus.  Lord, for those serving to protect nations, we ask your protection and preservation of their life, health and well-being.  Lord, I pray that you would bring other believers who serve into the life of these loved ones, let there be fellowship, discipleship and accountability.  Encourage them in the hard times.  Be a light in the darkness for them.  Do not allow fear to overwhelm them.  Lord, I pray for the other parents here who need encouragement and reassurance.  Meet their needs today, Lord and do all for the glory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  In His name we pray, Amen.”

Pray without ceasing, friends. God hears.

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