Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Sitting Unseen?

Psalm 139:1-2 “You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.”

Have you ever sat in a room full of people and felt invisible?  You can be surrounded by others, yet feel so alone.  Maybe you scan the faces, but there is no one familiar and you can see no common ground that might offer an opportunity for conversation.  You may even think, “I could get up and leave, and no one would notice...or care.”  And then, across the room you spot someone you know.  They see you and their eyes light up!  Suddenly, you don’t feel so alone.  You have a connection that gives you value and purpose among all the others surrounding you.

Sometimes, as believers, we can sit  doubting our value and struggling to know our place.  We can feel invisible and alone in a world full of achievers and beautiful people who seem to grab the spotlight and have so much more to say or contribute than we think we do.  Yet, God looks through the masses of people and sees us.  He SEES us!!  His eyes light up and He says “THAT is my beloved!”  He sees us sitting there and He wants us to understand without a doubt, that we are His dearly beloved child whom He loves desperately and completely and who deserves and receives His undivided attention.

God sees the ‘sitters’.  They’re not invisible to Him.

Today, let’s pray for our sons and daughters that in their ‘sitting’ they would know they are seen and loved by God.  They are never alone and they hold a value and purpose greater than they could truly comprehend.

“Lord, daily You search (name) and You know them.  You know when (name) sits and when they rise.  You perceive their thoughts from afar.  I pray that You would be preeminent in (name)’s thoughts today.  Don’t let them sit in despair, questioning their purpose or value.  Don’t let them sit in darkness, struggling to find Your light.  Let them sit, intentionally taking quiet time to talk to You and be encouraged and strengthened.  When they rise, Lord, guide (name)’s steps to accomplish what You have purposed for them to do today.  I pray that they would know they are seen and loved.  Lord, encourage their heart today with the knowledge that Your eyes look at them with such great affection and undivided attention and You will protect and guide them so they won’t stumble or fall.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.

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