Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Extravagant Provision, Abundant Protection

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” Psalm 23:5

(rich provision, mighty protection, filling Presence)

A banquet on the battlefield. It’s a sit-down affair, not a grab-and-go meal. God isn’t in a hurry to move us away from our enemies. He’s powerful enough to protect us from their aggression. Instead, God chooses to honor and celebrate His child, in the midst of it all. He doesn’t wait until ‘things are better’, He pours out His rich blessings on us right where we are! That’s our God!

He is mighty and able to hold off the fray and still be Present with us to sit down to a proper meal where it is safe to sit and eat and enjoy His abundance. Imagine the conversation at the table! Oh friends, God prepares good things for us despite the evil world we live in. He doesn’t make us wait until the battle is over- He wants us to open our mouths wide and savor His goodness now! We just have to be alongside Him, present with Him, listening to His instructions and trusting in His strong protection. It’s safe to sit and eat- He’s already won the battle!

Do we encourage our sons and daughters with the victory cry, or do we just sit and cry, worry, fret, and fuss because there are enemies present? Are we settling ourselves in the Lord’s Presence to fill ourselves with Him or are we too stressed (obsessed) and anxious to eat at the Lord’s banquet? Oh how sad that would be- because our God prepares a spread like no other! He wants us to take our fill of His rich blessings and provisions and that means we must fully trust and rest in what He’s doing…even if we can’t see it. He is ever-present, all-knowing, and isn’t constrained by time or location. He is the ultimate Protector and slayer of demons and darkness. He doesn’t need us to worry. He doesn’t need us to fuss or cry. And He certainly doesn’t need us to tell Him how to watch over our sons and daughters. He just wants us to sit at His table, enjoy His presence, savor His provision, and rest in Him. Let’s gather at His table and enjoy His company!

Let's pray that our sons and daughters (and that we) learn how to enjoy the Lord's Presence even in the midst of the battles of this life.

“Oh, Father, how easy it is for us to get distracted by the evil around us. We worry and fret. We fix our eyes on what we can see and that unnerves us and makes us afraid. We fear for our sons and daughters because we love them so. We worry about their safety and their security. We keep ourselves awake at night with all of the “what-ifs”, when all the while there is a beautiful banquet spread for us, just waiting for us to come, sit and partake of Your goodness. Help us to exhibit good habits for those we love. How can we encourage them to trust and obey if we can’t do that ourselves? Lord, move and work in my own heart, then do the same in (name)’s heart. You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Help us not live in fear but in faith and confidence. Remind us that You are the Victor! You already won the battle. The enemy holds no power over us. We can sit down at Your table and savor the rich blessings You provide for us. You’ve prepared a table for us - help us to accept the invitation to come and fellowship with You. Lord, fill our mouths, our hearts, our minds with Your praise- sweet as honey and satisfying to the soul. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Savor the goodness of our God.

Pray without ceasing.

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Psalm 145:13-16

13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,  and your dominion endures through all generations.  The Lord is faithful to all his promises  and loving toward all he has made.

Abba Father, how encouraging it is to know and be confident that the God we love and follow is eternal?!  Lord, there is nothing that can shake your Kingdom- that is so reassuring.  When our world seems to unravel around us, we can know without a doubt that Your Kingdom is secure and because of that, our future is secure.  I pray that You would encourage (name) today with that truth.  Give them confidence to know that nothing will ever push You from the Throne.  No King will ever topple Your kingdom and no authority will ever exceed Your power and dominion.  You are faithful to all of Your promises- we can be sure You will bring each one to pass..  Remind us of that today, Lord.  Remind us of Your love.  I pray that (name) would rest secure in Who You are and in how You love them.

14 The Lord upholds all those who fall  and lifts up all who are bowed down.

Thank You, Father, that you are strong enough to hold us when we falter and fall.  You won’t let us go.  You see our struggle and our weakness.  You see when we stumble and when we fall.  You are there beside us when life is too hard and You reach down and lift us up.  We can’t do it ourselves and that’s why You are God and we are not.  I pray that (name) would see Your strength, protection and Your closeness today.  Let there be no shadow of turning.  Lord, grab their attention and help them to see that You ARE there and You know all that they face, even if they hold it close to their heart without telling anyone.  Lord, You see the darkness and the struggle and depression.  You see the sin, the pride, the addiction.  And You are strong enough to battle it all and lift us up, clean us off and set us back on our feet.  (Name) needs to believe it, Lord.  Work in their heart today.  Let them know YOU are the rescue they need and the only One who is strong enough to win the battle, overcome the obstacle and lift the burden.  Work in (name)’s heart today.  Uphold them.  Lift them.  Love them, Lord.

15 The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time.

I pray that (name) would look to You and no other.  Help them to see that You, and only You, are the provider of peace, the remedy to the sick heart and broken mind, the lifter of the fallen and the healer of the broken.  Remind them that Your timing is perfect.  You are never early and never too late.  Your clock runs differently than ours and although we’re impatient and have a sense of urgency, Your perfect will always is best.  Help us to submit to that.  Help us to wait, Lord.  Psalm 27:14 tells us to “wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.”  So, instead of growing more impatient and losing our focus and our temper, help us to be strong and take heart while we wait for Your proper time.  You will not fail us, Lord!

16 You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.

Psalm 37:4 tells us that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, that You will give us the desires of our heart.  If we delight ourselves in You, our desire will be to know You more, to obey You, to be like Jesus and  honor You with our lives.  I pray that today that (name) would delight themselves in You and that  You would open Your hand and satisfy those desires.  Grow (name) into a man/woman after Your own heart.  May their desires please You and when You open Your hand, spiritual blessings pour out on (name) and fill them to overflowing.  I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.

Pray without ceasing

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