Saturday Review

It’s good to review, isn’t it? It reminds us to go back and focus, once again, on the important things we’ve learned and remind ourselves to remain faithful and continue trusting the Lord.

Today, let’s review our prayer points from the week and pray, once again, for our sons and daughters spiritual health and growth. Pray about their boundaries. Boundaries are important; they can be life-saving.  God is calling us to respect them and choose to value and abide by them, for our good and for His glory.


  • That our sons and daughters seek God with all their heart and make a commitment to know and live His word so that they can be protected and be productive in their spiritual walk.  

  •  “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”  Pray that our sons and daughters choose the way of the cross and depend on the Lord for their direction and guidance

  • Pray that our sons and daughters put boundaries in place to guard their hearts and minds in Jesus.  

  • Pray that they set their thoughts and affections on things above so that Jesus has priority and their spiritual growth reflects His presence in their lives.

  • Pray that they would have integrity to respect the boundaries God put in place.

  • Pray they would flee the evil desires that they encounter and, instead, pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace

  • Pray that they would be intentional to surround themselves with friends and mentors who are believers and who would ‘sharpen’ them as iron sharpens iron.

  • Pray that they would run this spiritual race with eyes wide open, avoiding those who would cut in on them and potentially pull them away from the Lord

  • Pray for the battle of the mind, that our sons and daughters would take EVERY thought captive and bring it into obedience to the Lord.

  • Pray that they would understand their value and purpose and would guard it well, abiding by firm boundaries of the mind, allowing the Lord to be the Master of their thoughts and the One on whom they meditate.  

  • Pray that the Enemy would be powerless to affect them and that their thoughts would be centered on all that is just, good and lovely according to the Lord.

There is so much to pray for, friends, but don’t lose heart; God is working!!

Pray without ceasing.


Sunday Worship: A Hymn of Praise


Boundaries of the Thoughts & Mind