Praying Psalm 23:1 Our Lord and Shepherd

“The Lord is my Shepherd; I lack nothing.” Psalm 23:1

Throughout the next few weeks we’re going to pray though this familiar Psalm, but with a renewed understanding of the deeper meanings presented there.  We often hear people quoting the 23rd Psalm when they are in crisis.  It seems to be a universally accepted way to face mortality.  Yet, when the crisis is past, the words are tucked away and forgotten or ignored.  But there is so much more to them then just a general ‘prayer of comfort’.

There is deeper meaning within these words that, when paired with a relationship with Jesus Christ, brings life, hope, and purpose.  We can pray these words for our sons and daughters and in doing so, cover every aspect of life that, as parents, we (try not to) worry and pray over.   

Psalm 23:1a “The Lord is my shepherd,”

(belonging, identity)

LORD = Jehovah = The Existing One. 

Who is it that our sons and daughters bow to as Lord?  To whom do they give their allegiance and for whom do they live their life?  To whom do they belong?  For someone to say “The Lord is my Shepherd” they are declaring their submission to God and their obedience to follow Him.  They are identifying themselves as His.  What follows in the Psalm are the blessings of being His sheep.  Today, let’s pray that our sons and daughters authentically make this declaration that the Yahweh,  is truly their Lord and Shepherd


“Father, God, I pray that (name) would truly surrender their heart and life to You.  Give them a sincere faith, bolstered by Your promises and Your faithfulness.  Be the LORD of their life and be the One for whom they live and to whom they direct their thoughts and obedience.  Lord, I pray that (name) would be surrendered to You and allow You to guide their actions.  May they seek to reflect You in all they do so that others see You ARE their LORD.”

Shepherd = One who guides and tends sheep. 

A Shepherd of sheep leads them, because sheep are followers.  Conversely, goats are herded, moved from behind because they don’t follow well.  They have an independent streak (isn’t that so representative of our sinful heart?).  Goats want to do what they choose, they blaze their own trail with little thought to the dangers of predators, getting lost, or eating what they shouldn’t, because they think they’re in charge.   Their shepherd, or rather goatherd, follows them to ensure they stay together, but the goats are leading the way.  Goats don’t submit to a leader or a Lord.  

Sheep are keen to hear their Shepherd’s voice- they can distinguish it from that of other shepherds and they are eager to follow.  Though they can wander and get lost, the Shepherd ensures they stay together and on the path.  He continually talks to them as he leads them so they can hear and follow.  The Shepherd protects the sheep from their own foolishness and from dangers that would harm them or lure them away.  He even carries them if they’re weak or wounded- isn’t that such a picture of our Savior?  Isaiah 40:10-11 “See, the Sovereign LORD comes with power, and He rules with a mighty arm. See, His reward is with Him, and His recompense accompanies Him.  He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those who have young.”

Let’s pray that our sons and daughters would be willing sheep of the Shepherd and not goats of this world.  Sheep find their identity and belonging in the Presence and the Purposes of the Shepherd.  It’s not an oppressive Shepherd-sheep relationship, it’s a protective and supportive belonging, a purpose that nurtures and sustains us.  God’s Shepherd-ship enables us to do what we’re created to do.  

“Father, I pray that my son/daughter follows You steadily, wholeheartedly, and without pause.  Let (name) understand their identity is found in You.  Give them understanding of their Purpose according to Your plan.  Help them to hear Your voice and distinguish it from all the other ‘noise’ of this world.  I pray that they would not foolishly run ahead of You or try and blaze their own path, but they would submit to Your leadership, trusting that You will protect and provide for them.  Lord, please be (name)’s Shepherd.”

Psalm 23:1b “I lack nothing.”  [“I will not be in need” -NASB]  


Lack- haser- to decrease, fail or diminish, to suffer want (1)  

If Jehovah God is our LORD and Shepherd, there is nothing we might need that He cannot provide.  We can rest securely in His Lordship and His ability to Shepherd us.  The sheep don’t worry about the direction they’re headed or about the provision along the way because they trust their Shepherd.

“Oh precious Savior, Shepherd, Guide and Friend, You are our Sustainer.  We can be confident that You will provide all we need in every way.  Spiritually we will be fully satisfied because You are all we need.” 

“Abba Father, we live in a fallen world in which there is so much need and nothing, apart from You, can supply what is lacking.  I pray that (name) would fully trust and rest in You, confident that You are able to and will provide what they need at the perfect time, especially when times are difficult and lean.  Philippians 4:19 tells us, “But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”  Your riches far exceed anything we could ever amass here on earth and Your provision is plentiful.   2 Corinthians 9:8 “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”  I ask that You would bless (name) abundantly, in all things at all times.  Lord, you can do more than we could ask or think.  Show Yourself as Shepherd and Provider today.  Open (name)’s eyes to see that You are the Source of every gift, every provision, every blessing they enjoy.  Let them look to no other.  Strengthen them to acknowledge Your sovereignty over every part of their life, their need, and the provision You offer, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Let’s continue to pray throughout the week that our sons and daughters find their identity and belonging in Christ alone and that they trust His protection and provision for all of their needs.

  1. H2637 - ḥāsēr - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

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