Praying Even When Things Seem So Unjust

Psalm 11:4-7 “The Lord is in his holy temple;

    the Lord is on his heavenly throne.

He observes everyone on earth;

    his eyes examine them.

The Lord examines the righteous,

    but the wicked, those who love violence,

    he hates with a passion.

On the wicked he will rain

    fiery coals and burning sulfur;

    a scorching wind will be their lot.

For the Lord is righteous,

    he loves justice;

    the upright will see his face.”

Friends, in light of what’s happening in our world right now, especially in the Middle East, let’s just take time today to read this scripture out loud and pray:

  1. Acknowledge Who God is- Holy, True and Sovereign

  2. Because He sees everything, talk to Him about what you are seeing that is grievous, heartbreaking, frightening and unjust.  He sees it too.

  3. Ask Him to examine our hearts- we should humble ourselves before Him and be willing to identify and repent of our sin..  We want to be righteous and obedient.

  4. Pray that He would stop the wicked.  STOP them.  But pray for His timing, as well.  Trust God.  He sees.  He knows.  He will justly judge them.

  5. Remind yourself that He is a righteous and just God.  Take time in prayer to praise Him for His attributes and His wonderful character.  Reminding ourselves of the greatness of God helps us get perspective and renew our hope.  Focus on Him, not this spiraling world around us.

  6. Celebrate the fact that we WILL see Him face to face.

  7. Come quickly Lord Jesus!!

This is a great formula for prayer that we can go to when life is uncertain or downright painful. It’s a great way to pray when we’re overcome by anger or frustration at the injustice we see. It’s a great format to guide us in prayer when we bring our sons and daughters before the Throne. When we start by focusing on God, we set our hearts and minds on things above, not on earthly things. Then we can talk through the hard things with the Lord, knowing that we have His full attention and He has ours. We know He sees and hears us. We know He grieves with us and is angered at the impact of sin. But then we our eyes and hearts back to Who He is and we end by praising and exalting God and set our hope on His promises.

Pray without ceasing.. 


The Lord Loves Justice


A God Who is Just