Pray It Again

It’s always good to pray. It’s beneficial to bring things to the Lord again and again. He never tires of hearing us call on His name and talk with Him in prayerful fellowship. He knows what weighs on our hearts, but He wants to hear us share it with Him, trusting in His provision, intervention and Sovereign authority. Let’s pray through these prayer points one more time:

  • Pray that our sons and daughters see God’s work all around them today.  Let’s pray they can and will testify to others about the Presence and Power of their Mighty God.

  • Pray that our sons and daughters would have perspective and peace despite the uncertainty of world leaders and fragility of peace..  Rather than being alarmed at what they see happening in the world, pray that they have confidence in our Mighty God and look forward to the day when He will reign forever, unchallenged on David’s throne.  Pray that they long for God’s justice and righteousness over the temporary solutions offered by human leaders.

  • Pray that sons and daughters would realize that God requires their full attention and allegiance.  Pray that they would look up, not around.  Pray that they would not be distracted by all the ‘glitter’ of the season but would be committed to the Reason, Jesus.

  • Pray that our sons and daughters know, without a doubt, that their Mighty Warrior is rejoicing over them with singing, protecting and caring for them.  Pray they have hope because of Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection.  Pray for those who have faced loss this year, that they would find hope and comfort in Jesus.

    Pray that our sons and daughters would know, without a doubt, that their worth, purpose and meaning are found in Jesus Christ, their Lord and Savior, and their relationship with Him..  Let’s pray they are not ‘performance driven’ but soul-stirred by the Holy Spirit to run after God with all they have and all they are.

Pray without ceasing.


O Come, O Come, Immanuel


Yet He Saved Us