Pray for the Persecuted

Psalm 140:12-13 I know that the LORD secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. Surely the righteous will praise your name, and the upright will live in your presence.

Let’s not be so caught up in our own trials that we lose sight of what believers are facing around the world.  Oppression and persecution are ramping up.  Can we pray?  

Pray that the Lord would secure justice for the poor and uphold the cause of the needy.  Pray for those in need of religious freedom.  Pray for those who are facing injustice because of their love of Christ.  Pray that those believers who are facing persecution would stand firm.  This life is fleeting- it’s as short-lived as the morning mist in the fields..  Eternity awaits. Our attitudes and decisions here matter.  When faced with the choice of Jesus or this life….what will we choose?  What will our sons and daughters choose?  Will they have the conviction to stand with Christ?

“Surely, the righteous will praise your name and the upright will live in your presence.”  What a promise!!  What assurance that can encourage us to stand firm. Oppression and persecution here are hard…but there is promise of justice and deliverance!

Take some time today to pray for the persecuted Church and for our sons and daughters to stand with conviction, unwaveringly committed to following Christ, no matter the cost.

Pray without ceasing.


Saturday Review-Psalm 140


No Compromises