Part the Heavens

Psalm 144:5-6 Part your heavens, LORD, and come down; touch the mountains, so that they smoke. Send forth lightning and scatter the enemy; shoot your arrows and rout them.

We’ve all read stories of God’s miraculous intervention on behalf of others.  We hear incredible accounts of missionaries who have seen God perform supernatural events that turn hearts to Him and rescue lives where death was certain. Believers from closed countries have seen prisoners freed, enemies blinded to allow for safe passage of believers and provision where there was none to be had.

We know God can rescue in mighty and miraculous ways.  Yet, we don’t really think about it as it relates to our own lives… or if we do, we don’t expect God will work on our behalf in that capacity.  Often we, as parents, downplay the fantastic and we don’t encourage ‘big’ prayers because maybe it’s asking too much? But in so doing, we discourage others from realizing just how extraordinary God’s answers and provision can be. God can do more than we could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20) Have we asked Him to part the heavens? Have we been watching? Let’s be bold…let’s anticipate God-like responses to our prayers!

Today, let’s pray that our sons and daughters begin to recognize and anticipate the mighty power of God in their lives.  Let’s pray that their eyes are open and their hearts and minds are looking for God to work. Pray that they ask Him to part the heavens on their behalf.  Then, let’s pray for mighty, divine intervention on behalf of those who are not walking with the Lord, asking God to reach down and turn them around, soften their hearts and remove the deception that keeps them from walking with Him.

Pray without ceasing.




Join us tonight!!