Like a Tree, Planted

Jeremiah 17:7-8 .“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.

We have so many things that burden our hearts for our sons and daughters, don’t we?  If we had to choose just one thing to pray for them it might be a hard choice ...or would it?  Isn’t our ultimate prayer that they would trust in the Lord?  

Trust encompasses all of the things that we desire for them- eternal security, spiritual fruit, protection,’s all found in trusting the Lord.  Trust is what keeps us from faltering. It keeps us from being overwhelmed and anxious.

Jeremiah likens one who trusts in the Lord to a tree planted by streams of water.  Just look at how trees flourish when they are near water.  The stream provides nourishment.  The roots stretch deep firmly grounding the tree and making it stable.  Those roots reach deeply toward the tree’s source of strength and sustenance.  And because it is well-positioned, it won’t suffer in the heat nor will it wilt during drought.  And, oh, the fruit!  The blessings are tangible and visible.  

If our sons and daughters trust in the Lord they will be blessed, just like that tree; they’ll be firmly grounded.  They will abide in Christ.  Their hunger and thirst for spiritual food will be satisfied by the Bread of Life and the Living Water.  When the storms of life come, they will be strongly grounded in Christ and able to withstand the tempest- their trust brings confidence.  When times of trial come, they will remain secure and protected.  They will be blessed.

Today, let’s pray that our sons and daughters trust in the Lord with all their heart and that they are not tempted to lean on their own understanding.  Pray for the blessing of trust in the Lord.

“Father, I pray that (name) would be compelled to reach out to You today.  Lord, give them a hunger and thirst for the living water and bread of Life that You so generously provide.  Help them to see the importance of trusting in You and making You the One in whom they are rooted and from Whom they draw their strength.  Lord, get their attention them to see that they cannot compromise in their relationship with You.  They either choose to abide, or they will forfeit the blessing.  Lord, I pray that they would choose Jesus, always.  In His name I pray, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.


Consider the Flowers


Great things are coming!!