Saturday Review

As we reach the end of the week, let’s pray through our prayer points one more time. Jesus is our Wonderful Counselor., do we believe that? He guides, directs and instructs us, let’s pray that He leads our sons and daughters in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Today, the scripture for each prayer point is included. Take some time to read and meditate on the truths. Keep on praying friends, God is still working, always working. He will nurture those seeds and bring growth and fruit. Trust Him.

Isaiah 9:6-7 

So many voices are competing for the attention and alliance of our sons and daughters, promising life, joy, health, wealth and the like.  But those voices only lead to bondage, emptiness, disappointment, and disillusion.  We need to pray that our sons and daughters look to Jesus and only Jesus to be their Wonderful Counselor.  He alone is wise, trustworthy and powerful enough to bring resolution, redemption and righteous freedom.  He is the Wonderful Counselor who longs to be Lord of their heart and their life.

Isaiah 11:2-3

Pray for our sons and daughters that they will understand that Jesus is the ultimate Counselor, full of wisdom and understanding.  Pray that they would trust Him with their burdens and challenges.  Pray that they would rest in His strength and might.  Pray that their hearts would desire Jesus and His integrity and fear of the Lord over the ‘bargain options’ that offer cheap counsel that cannot save them.

Psalm 32:8

Pray that our sons and daughters would lean on Jesus for wise instruction and direction.  He watches over them so lovingly.  He WILL counsel them, but they need to be listening.   Let’s pray, too, that as parents, we point them in the direction of finding answers from the Lord and listening to His voice as they wait.

Psalm 16:7

Pray that our sons and daughters are drenching themselves in the truth of God’s word, day and night.  Let’s pray that there is much in their hearts and minds that God can use to counsel and instruct them, day and night.

Psalm 73:23-26

Pray that  our sons and daughters would take hold of Jesus’ hand and let Him guide them each and every day.  Pray they would look for and listen to His counsel.  Pray that God would be the strength of their heart and their portion forever, their Wonderful Counselor.

Pray without ceasing.


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You Guide Me with Your Counsel