
Ephesians 5:1-2 “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

Our children played all sorts of games and make-believe when they were little.  Pretending was something that stretched their imagination and could keep them busy for hours.  As they grew and began to notice the world around them, sometimes they would imitate what they saw, whether good or bad.  They didn’t have knowledge and discretion, nor did they have context for some of the things they would imitate.  Their imitation was a form of learning about the world around them and pretending they were someone or something else.

Fast-forward to the teenage years and imitation began to be founded on the response they would get from others.  They might choose to imitate someone who was popular or ‘pretty’ so they, too, could receive approval.  Or perhaps they were sullen or defiant and the ones they chose to imitate gave that same reflection of rebellion and anger. Whatever the imitation, it was almost always for approval from others and for effect. They chose to follow someone who had the image they craved and the life they desired. But their imitation was creating an image that wasn’t genuine or authentic to our sons and daughters.  It was an effort to be someone or something else because, in their eyes, that was better.

Now that our sons and daughters are grown, authenticity is a valued character quality.  This world doesn’t like ‘posers’- those who claim to be something that they’re not.  As believers, we don’t just wear the label ‘Christian’ it is who we are, how we think, what we value and it’s the foundation of our world-view.  We are called to be imitators of God so that everything we say and do reflects His presence in our lives.  It’s not a ‘trying to be someone else’ it’s striving to be what God calls us to be.  It’s an effort to be more like Jesus. He is the example we are to follow and when we seek to be more like Him, our whole self is steadily transformed into who He desires us to be.  It’s a stripping away of the ‘fake’ and the old self so that our new, transformed heart and mind can be visible to those around us. It’s a transformation into authenticity not a shadowing into an image of something else. (and we know what God says about images…. they are idols, false gods that steal our attention, joy and the glory that is meant for God alone.)

Today, let’s pray that our sons and daughters are imitators of God.  Pray that they are not distracted or lured by popular culture. Pray that they don’t seek the approval and affirmation of the world.  That’s a total deception of Satan and will lead to destruction, depression and devastation.  It’s only when we choose to imitate God that we flourish.  Pray for strong flourishing in our sons and daughters today!!

Pray without ceasing.


Contend for the Faith


Walking Faithfully