Good Directions

Psalm 119:32 “I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.”

Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”

Psalm 119:32 shows us the freedom that comes with following Christ “I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.”  There is great encouragement in knowing where you need to go and Who is providing the directions.  You can move ahead without fear or uncertainty, or, if there is uncertainty, you know He will provide direction at the right time, you just need to wait and trust.  You can be confident that you’re on the right road.  But the key is, being aware of those commands and following God’s directions.  You have to be attentive to God’s word.

When we don’t know the directions or Who to ask, it gets difficult.  Asking directions can be a humbling experience, right?  Not only are you admitting you’re lost, but you’re surrendering yourself to the mercy and kindness of others to point you in the right direction.  And who knows if they even know… and maybe they’re embarrassed or stressed and they don’t want to look like they don’t they tell you ‘something’ but perhaps it’s not even correct.  No wonder few people are eager to admit their need for directions.  

At some point, the GPS was invented.  People jumped at the chance to buy one and forever (hopefully) banish the humbling process of asking for directions altogether.  This way they could look like they knew what they were long as the GPS was working...and as long as it could connect to the satellite.  But, if you traveled to another country, that same GPS wouldn’t work well, if at all.  It didn’t have the software needed for that country and if you asked for directions, there was likely a language barrier as well.

Direction can be difficult, but God provides us with a perfect GPS for life through His word.  When we become Christ-followers, we need to depend on Him for clear direction, because this is, indeed, a foreign land.  We are aliens and strangers here.  And we must exhibit great caution, because few speak our ‘language’ of the cross.  If we depend on guidance from others who are not Christ-followers we can end up confused, on the wrong road, or worse, following a map to nowhere.  But here’s the thing, God is always correct.  He’s always ‘switched on’, He doesn’t need an update or a software fix.  He’s not dependent on a satellite and He is fluent in every language. 

 “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”  Can we pray today that our sons and daughters choose the way of the cross and depend on the Lord for their direction and guidance?  They can’t afford not to.

“Lord, I pray that (name) would reach out to you, even this morning, asking You to guide and direct their day.  I pray that they would be humble to recognize they don’t know everything and wise enough to reach out to You.  Keep them from following others who don’t acknowledge You as Lord and Savior.  Protect their path and guide their steps.  Encourage them to continually look to You and trust You, even when the way seems dark and unclear.  You are always trustworthy and always in control.  Help them to lean in and let You lead.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.


Bible Study-Tonight!

