Saturday Review

There are so many benefits when we stop, take a look back, check our learning and our growth. It gives us an opportunity to pause and see what God is doing. It’s good to review, isn’t it? Today, let’s review our prayer points from the week and pray through them one more time.

  1.  Pray that our sons and daughters stand firm to the end. Their faithfulness and perseverance is crucial to their walk with the Lord.

  2. Pray for our sons and daughters to be immune to ‘golden calf syndrome’.  Pray that they will not get distracted by the ‘good things’, valuing them and loving them more than they love God.  Pray that they would always keep their eyes on the Lord and wouldn’t look away.  Pray that they would fan the flame of their first love and worship Him only.  Pray that they will take a stand even when others are celebrating the idols.

  3. Pray for protection- that they would not be lured and fall into bondage to the Enemy.

  4. Pray that our sons and daughters don’t forfeit the love of God for earthly things.  There is no comparison. 

  5. Pray today for any family members who don’t know the Lord.  Ask God to soften hearts and bring a willingness to repent and follow Christ. Pray for eyes that clearly see God’s salvation and desire it more than anything this world could offer.

Pray without ceasing


Sunday Worship


What is Your Destiny?