Don’t Believe the Lies

2 Timothy 4:4  “They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.”

Truth-telling is a lost art. Just tune into any reality tv show and so much of the drama is based upon who can deceive others with the greatest skill and win the prize. Marketing is dependent on creating a ‘truth’ that sells an image or appeals to the ego. Far too often, we need to do so much ‘due diligence’ in order to protect ourselves from being deceived, swindled, or played the fool.

Conspiracy theories are running rampant these days as well.  It seems you can find an alternative to just about any belief.  And far too many people are willing to believe things that are far-fetched. Despite having far too little proof, the stories are intriguing, so people buy into the story.  Why is it that the lies are often easier to believe than the truth? That’s the work of the Enemy, friends. He is the master deceiver.  He delights in the fact that people are more willing to put their faith in unsubstantiated theories rather than the truth of Scripture that has been prophesied about and proven true over and over again.

What drives people to fall prey to the lies? Stubbornness and pride are two reasons, “You can’t tell me what to believe!”  But really, scripture tells us that this will happen.  “They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths”  Their eyes are blinded to the truth.  They have more faith in unproven conspiracies than they do the Almighty God. 

As our world spins ever-closer to the end of days, the lies will continue to spin with it.  Matthew 24:24 “For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.”  We need to pray that our sons and daughters can readily distinguish the truth from a lie. We must pray that they are not lured by ‘sweet sounding’ stories that would pull them from the truth of Scripture, but instead would remain true to Scripture as their guide and would invest the time to learn and deepen their knowledge of God’s Word.

“Lord, I pray that the Word of God will remain preeminent in (name)’s life.  Let them look to you always and only for guidance, truth and wisdom.  Keep their feet from straying off of your path of righteousness and keep their eyes locked onto Your face, Lord.  Don’t let them be intrigued and enticed by the theories.  Don’t let them question the truth of Your Word.  Let them always be faithful to You in everything.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.”


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