Dead Ends and Deliverance

Psalm 142:1-2 “A maskil of David. When he was in the cave. A prayer. “I cry aloud to the LORD; I lift up my voice to the LORD for mercy. I pour out before him my complaint; before him I tell my trouble.””

1 Samuel 24 gives the account of David when he was running for his life. King Saul was quickly gaining on him, seeking to cut him down and rid himself of David, his biggest competition.

David and his men sought refuge in the desert of En Gedi. They knew the caves there were vast and plentiful and they could seek a likely refuge that would hide them well. But, Saul and his men were scouting the area, aware that David was there, somewhere. In the midst of the hunt, Saul entered one of the caves and walked into the very cave in which David was hiding.  Didn’t God know?  Couldn’t He see?  Why would He allow David’s enemy to get so close…and why would he allow Saul to block the only exit?!

Of course God knew exactly where David was and He allowed the close encounter.  Really, David had the upper hand and could have taken Saul’s life, but refused to harm the Lord’s anointed.  

Look at Psalm 142 and read David’s prayer, “I cry aloud to the LORD; I lift up my voice to the LORD for mercy. I pour out before him my complaint; before him I tell my trouble.”  David knew he was in trouble.  But He trusted the Lord more than he feared his enemy. He knew there was only one way of escape, and that would have to be provided supernaturally by the Lord.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with sorrow at the path your son or daughter has chosen?  Or maybe you’re filled with concern at the choices they are making.  Maybe you worry… a lot.  You have fear for their safety and live with a continuous sense of dread.  You don’t see a way out, and it consumes you.

Cry out to the Lord.  He hears you!  Lift up your voice for mercy, both for you and for your sons and daughters.  Pour out your complaint.  Tell the Lord your trouble.  He cares for you.  He longs to hear you cry out to Him!  Much like we hope that our sons and daughters would come to us when they are troubled, our Heavenly Father longs for the same!

Trust the Lord. What may seem like a dead end to us is an opportunity for the Lord to show His divine protection and intervention. Sometimes the Lord brings us to a dead end so that there is nowhere to look but to Him. Trust that He leads our sons and daughters, even when it seems to us they’re headed into disaster. Cry out to the Lord and trust Him, friends. He sees. He knows. He is still in control.

Today, list out those burdens that weigh heavily on your heart and then pray through them and tell the Lord your troubles.  He will provide strength and mercy for today.  He will provide a way of escape and He will be glorified through it.

Pray without ceasing.


When We Grow Faint


Sunday Worship