Confidence in Christ

2 Corinthians 5:7-9 “For we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes, we are of good courage (confidant!), and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord. So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him.”

At some point in life, we reach an age or level of experience when we begin to realize, this life isn’t really all it’s ‘cracked up to be’.  The rave reviews we heard as a child and young adult painted a picture of ‘living your best life now!’.  But as we grow older, we see the faults in the landscape and feel the burden of this life.  We see sorrow and pain and perhaps live through it too.  We realize that this life isn’t where we should fully invest our hopes and dreams, there’s got to be something more.  

That’s where our faith in Jesus comes into play.  The more we love Jesus, the less we’re enamored by this world.  We know, with confidence, there is something more.  We know that this is just a shadow. This life, this world is the ‘black and white’ version...the full color version is yet to come and we won’t believe how spectacular it is!!  We have faith and confidence that God will deliver more than we could imagine and we’re hopeful and excited to see that day!

Our sons and daughters may not be there yet.  They still see ‘all the things’ they want to experience and accomplish here.  Is that wrong?  No, God created them to accomplish the ‘good works He prepared in advance for them to do” (Ephesians 2:10)  But we need to begin to pray that their love for Jesus would eclipse their love for this world and that they would live fully,  as a believer in Christ, and understand that their best life is yet to come.  

Faith plays a big part in the confidence we hold in Christ’s promises.  A growing faith gives us an increasing confidence so that when we face the hard things, our faith and confidence carries us through.   We don’t look to this life here to fulfill our hopes and dreams, we look to Jesus. We can move past disappointments and we can handle the pain because we know and have confidence that what Jesus promises He will deliver.

Today, let’s pray that our sons and daughters fall more and more in love with Jesus and grow in their confidence and trust in Him. Let’s pray that they are not looking to this life to be their satisfaction, but they have satisfaction in Jesus, no matter their circumstances.

Pray without ceasing.


Be Confident of This


I Remain Confident of This…