Beware of Undercover Operatives

2 Peter 2:1-2 “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves.  Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.”

Undercover operatives are something we’ve all heard about.  Most countries have them.  Movies are made about them.  Little is known of how they operate, but one thing is sure, they are unassuming and often befriend others in the process of trying to gain intelligence or spread information…or, more likely, disinformation.  They infiltrate in unassuming ways and their goal is to seek intelligence or do damage without being detected, and if they are?  The damage likely has already been done. Isn’t that much like what Peter describes in 2 Peter 2?  These false prophets secretly introduce destructive heresies.  They try to be unassuming, engaging, even genuine, but that’s all part of the deception.  

Friends, false prophets are all over today.  But are we even aware?  They look like believers, they sound like believers (at first) but soon, if you listen carefully enough, you will begin to detect things that are ‘off’, teachings that don’t quite line up with scripture, doctrine that is skewed, theology that is blasphemous.  But here’s the thing, they are so skilled at what they do. They lure so many who are not alert to the dangers and who defend them because they’re ‘so nice’, ‘so genuine’, ‘so profound’.  These deceivers are educated people who know Scripture, but misuse it.  They omit some things and add others so their message sounds vaguely different, but close enough to deceive the unaware.  They are skilled speakers who charm their listeners and often have them beguiled before they ever realize they’re in trouble.  Their aim is not to bring glory to God, but to themselves. Look, scripture tells us that if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived (Matt. 24:24).  That’s not possible, but that is how deceptive and skilled these false prophets are and will be.

Peter tells us that many will follow these profane teachers.  Look around.  We see it today.  How alert are we?  Do we really look into Scripture to see if what we are being taught is correct, or do we blindly trust?  Are we sensitive to the Holy Spirit in our hearts who will give us that uneasy discomfort when we listen to someone who is not aligned with God’s word or do we downplay His stirrings?  Do we follow the ‘popular’ preacher because he’s the new ‘big thing’ or do we have caution to really learn whether his message is his own, or God’s?

There are undercover operatives among us….and they don’t work for our Savior.  Their goal is to deceive and pull people away from the Lord, draw seekers to the darkness and destroy those oblivious to the danger and deception.  We need to pray that our sons and daughters are alert and sober-minded.  Pray that they have deep, spiritual discretion to identify false teachers and the message they bring.  

“Heavenly Father, I pray that You would put a hedge of protection around (name) today.  Guard their ears from false teachers.  Guard their heart from deception.  Keep their eyes on the truth of Scripture and give them wisdom and discretion to compare all they see and hear with the truth in your Word.  Let them be a Berean, one of those who Paul commended for checking scripture to see if his message aligned (Acts 17).  Lord, it seems Your day is coming quickly.  May we all be found faithful, not being led astray by pretty messages and exciting leaders, but holding fast to the Word of God.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.


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