Be Sure to Leave It Where They Can Find It

“I will sing of the LORD's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.”  Psalm 89:1

When we have something important we want to give our kids, we want to leave it where they can find it, especially if we’re not going to be there to point it out.  Whether it be a special note or gift, or maybe important paperwork in the event something happens, we don’t want it to be a mystery and we don’t want to make it difficult. If it’s important, we tell them exactly where the items are so they can easily access them, why would we not?

But do we do the same with our faith?  If our kids went looking, would they easily find it?  Would they be able to quickly point out where our hope is anchored?  Or would they have to hunt for it?  

There is nothing more important than sharing our faith with our sons and daughters, nothing.  If we would be called home to heaven, what would they find as they go through our belongings?  What would they write about how we lived?  What was so evident in our lives as the most important to us?  

Let’s be intentional  about sharing our love for the Lord and the evidence of His faithfulness in our lives.  Let’s shift the paradigm of our day, our life to testify of God’s goodness and presence that redeems us and transforms us.  Let’s be sure to leave behind a legacy of faith for our sons and daughters so that the most precious thing we pass to them is faith in Jesus Christ and hope for eternity.

“Father You are faithful.  All throughout my life You’ve been present and working, even when I could not see Your hand or when I was too distracted to make you a priority.  I pray that from today onward, I would live in such a way that my sons and daughters would know that my faith in Jesus is the most precious thing I could share with them.  I pray that they will see You in me.  Lord, let there be no question about what I value and prioritize.  Don’t allow me to be distracted by the busyness of this world, the charms of what it promises but cannot deliver, or the lie that my value lies in what I accomplish.  My value lies in who I am…and who I am is a child of the Most High God.  Lord, I want my sons and daughters to embrace You fully and pursue You daily.  Help me to model that to them.  Let them see me reading Your Word.  Let them be confident that I am praying for them daily and that they can share any burden, need or request and I will take it to the Throne and intercede for them.  Help me to memorize Your word so that it becomes part of my language and the Holy Spirit can stir and pour out what I’ve committed to head and heart so that others can be encouraged.  Lord, help me to leave my faith where my kids can easily find it and help them to treasure it as they most precious thing I could pass along to them.  I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.”


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Lenten Meditations- Live Like Jesus