Be Careful

Deuteronomy 11:16  “Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them.”

James 1:14 “But each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.”

God knows our weaknesses.  He knows how we’re wired.  He gives us the admonition to “Be careful” because He knows we’re easily drawn to those things we shouldn’t be.  He also knows the capability of our Enemy and that he will do anything to pull us away from Jesus.  It’s imperative that we are mindful of what we choose to allow our eyes to see, our ears to hear and our hearts to love. 

The word scripture uses to tell us to “Be careful” is the Greek word, “samar”, which means to “keep watch or to guard, to hedge about (as with thorns), be circumspect, take heed (to self), look narrowly, preserve, be a watchman.” (1)  

The dangers we face are all around us (be circumspect).  We need protection on every side (hedge about as with thorns).  We need to pay attention so that we’re not caught by surprise (take heed) and we must be aware of our own weaknesses (to self).  We need to home in on those threats, dangers, and things that are suspect so that we can preserve our testimony and ensure we walk faithfully and avoid sin.  We must be watchmen, daily, moment by moment, never letting our guard down, because when we do, that’s when the Enemy attacks.

But why is it so crucial?  Because James says “each one is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.”  That being ‘dragged away’ isn’t a violent act where we fight tooth and nail to resist.  No, it’s a lure that draws us unexpectedly, quietly, and we come of our own accord.  Our guard is down, our pride is full, and we think we’re immune to the danger. THAT is why we need to be on guard, hedged about, circumspect, self-aware and watchful.  

Friends, look around.  This world is dark.  Satan is active.  He wants nothing more than to poach God’s sheep.  Let’s encircle our sons and daughters with powerful prayer today to protect them from being lured and falling into bondage to the Enemy.

“Father, I pray that You would intervene in (name)’s life today.  Stop their ears to the whisper of the Enemy.  Blind their eyes to his lures.  Keep their feet from treading where they ought not and protect their hands from reaching into the fire of temptation.  I pray that You would surround (name) with a hedge of protection- spiritual thorns that will keep the Enemy from getting close.  Help (name) to be self-aware, understanding their weaknesses and being intentional to avoid those things that would tempt them to stray.  I pray that You would put other watchmen in their lives who would pray for them, encourage them and hold them accountable .   Preserve their faith and protect their testimony.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Pray without ceasing.

  1. H8104 - šāmar - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (esv). Retrieved from


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